The following is a non-comprehensive, continually expanding list of visitors to this site, going back quite a few months now:
42nd Communication Squadron; 56 Communications Squadron AF; A.C. Nielson Company; AAFES/Barracks;
Advanced Behavior, Plano, TX; Advanced Decision Systems – DC; Adventist Health Systems; Air Force Flight Test Center ; Air National Guard; Akin Gump Strauss Hauer; Alameda County, CA; Albert Einstein College of Medicine; Algonquin College; Alliant International University; Amarillo College; American University; Andrews AFB; Appalachian State University; Arizona State University ; Army - Hawaii; the Army National Guard; the Army National Guard Bureau; Ask Jeeves, Inc.; Austin Community College; Barksdale AF Base, Louisiana; Barnes & Noble; Baton Rouge Community College; Battelle Memorial Institute; Becker College; Biola University; Birmingham City University; Boise State University; Boston College; Boston University; Bowman Gray School of Medicine; Bridgewater State College; Bridgewater State College; British Columbia Systems Corp.; Brookhaven National Laboratory; Brown University; Bryant College; Bryant University; Buffalo General Hospital; CA Health & Welfare Agency; CA State Library – Sacramento, CA; CACI, Inc.; Cal State University Network; Cal. State - Los Angeles;
Camp Pendleton; Canadian Broadcasting Corp.; Cardinal Stritch University; Case Western Reserve University; CBS, Inc.; Center for Mind-Body Medicine; Central MO State University; Ceridian Employer Services; Cerritos Community College; Chicago Child Care Society; Chicago Tribune
Chippewa Valley Technical College; City of Quincy, MA;
Claremont Colleges; Clarkson University; Clemson University; Cleveland State University; Clinton Global Initiative; Center for Information Services; Colby College; College of the Holy Cross; Colorado State University;
Columbia University; Community Colleges of Rhode Island; Cornell University; County of Lancaster, PA; County of Sacramento, CA; Covenant Health Systems; D C C C A, Inc.;
D.O.D., Columbus, OH; D.O.D., Manassas, VA ; D.O.D., San Diego, CA; D.O.D., Washington, D.C. ; Danish Network for Research & Education; Delgado Community College;
Dept. of Veterans Affairs – DC; Dept. of Veterans Affairs - FL ; Dept. of Veterans Affairs – IL; Dept. of Veterans Affairs – MI; Dept. of Veterans Affairs – NY; Dept. of Veterans Affairs – OH; Dept. of Veterans Affairs – OK; Dept. of Veterans Affairs – WA; Disney Worldwide; DMSSC/TSD – Military;
DOD - Ft. Belvoir, VA;; Duke University;
Duquesne University; Durham College of Applied Arts; Eastern Michigan University; Edgewood College; Education America; Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University; Emerson College; Emory University; Erie Community College; Erlanger Hospital, TN; F.I.U.; FAA; Fairmont State University; Florida A&M University; Fort Belvoir, VA; Fort Campbell MWR; Fort Sill, OK; Franciscan University; Freedom Forum; Fort Sam Houston, DOIM; Fort Bragg, NC; Fort George Meade, MD; Fort Leavenworth, KS; Fukuoka Women's Junior College (Japan); General Services Administration; George Mason University; Georgetown University; Georgia State University; Gettysburg College;
Google, Inc.; Grand Valley State University; Great Valley Publishing; Halliburton Company; HBO & Company;
Headquarters, USAAISC; Health Net, Inc.; Healthspan Information Services; Hearst Corporation; Henry Ford Hospital; Howard Community College; Howard University;
Hq 5th Signal Command; HQ AFRC/SCO; HQ US Army Medical Research; HUD – MD; Hudson Valley Community College; Humboldt State University; Illinois State University;
Indian Health Service; Indiana Higher Education; Indiana University; Insight Communications Co.; JAG School - Harrisonburg, VA; John F. Kennedy University; Johns Hopkins Medical; Johns Hopkins University; Kaiser Permanente Medical Care; Kean College; Keiser College; King County Library System; L.A. Film School; LA State Univ. Medical Ctr.; Le Jardin Academy; Lehman College;
Lexington, KY Herald Leader; Library of Congress; Lion Television; Little Brown and Company; Los Angeles Community College; Loyola Marymount University; Loyola University; LSU, Baton Rouge, LA; Macalester College; Magellan Behavioral Health; Malaysian University; Malmo University – Sweden; Marine Corps Comm Svcs, Okinawa; Marquette University; MassInc. Think Tank; Mayo Foundation; Medical Center Hospital of VT; Medical University of SC; Medstar Health; Memphis City Schools;
Mental Health Systems, Inc.; Miami Dade College; Midwestern State University; Millersville University;
Minnesota Public Radio; Mississippi State University; Missouri Western State College; MIT; Moraine Valley Community College; Moray House Institute of Education;
Morrison & Foerster (Law Firm); Mount Sinai School of Medicine; Muhlenberg College; National Institutes of Health;
Naval Network Information Center; NBC Universal; NE School of Acupuncture; NE Shelter For Homeless Vets; New Jersey State Bar Assoc.; New Mexico State University; New School University; New York City Public Schools; New York University; NNIC - Norfolk, VA; Nordrhein-westfalen, Dortmund (Germany); North Dakota State University;
Northeastern State University – OK; Northeastern University; Northern Arizona University; Northrop Grumman Corp.; Norton AFB; Nova University; Novus Entertainment Inc. ; NY Institute of Technology; Ohio University; Oklahoma State; Oregon Public Broadcasting; Oregon State University;
Paramount Pictures; Pate Rehabilitation; Patrick AFB; PBS; Peacehealth; Pennsylvania College of Technology; People's Academy – VT; Performance Systems Intl – DC; Perot Systems; Philadelphia University; Portland Community College; Prairie View A&M University; Princeton University;
Proctor Academy; Purdue University; QTC Management, Inc. (Remember? They were Googling themselves, for scandals); Quantico - USMC – DOD; Quantico Marine Base; Queens College; Radio Canada; Radley College – UK; Ramstein AFB; Rice University; Rochester Institute of Technology; Rollins College; Royal Canadian Mounted Police;
Rutgers University; Rutgers University; Sam Houston State University; SAMHSA; San Diego State University; San Juan College; Sandhills Center for Mental Health; Santa Rosa Community College; School of Visual Arts – NY; Screening for Mental Health; Scripps Health; SE Louisiana University; Seattle University; Select Medical Corporation; Self Memorial Hospital; Senate of California; Shippensburg University; Simpatico House – Canada; Smith College; Sonoma State University; Southern Utah University; St. John's University – MN; St. Joseph's University; St. Louis University; St. Mary's College of Maryland; St. Vincent College; State of Delaware;
State of Illinois; State of Maryland; State of Minnesota; State of NH Health Human Services; State of VA – DSS;
State of WA – DSHS; State of Washington; Stephen F. Austin State University; Study for the Presidency; SUNY - Stony Brook; SUNY Health and Science Center; Swords to Plowshares; Temple University; Texas A&M University; Texas Christian University; Texas Tech University; Texas Wesleyan; The Boeing Company; The Boston Globe; The Brookings Institution; The Citadel; The New York Times; The Pentagon; The Washington Post; the Theosophical Society in America; Time Warner; Trauma Cure Inc.; Truman State University; Tufts University; U.S. Army Corps of Engineers;
U.S. Army Medical Technology; U.S. Dept. of Energy;
U.S. Dept. of Health & Human Services; U.S. Dept. of Labor; U.S. Dept. of State; U.S. House of Representatives; U.S. Naval Academy, Annapolis, MD; U.S. Senate Sergeant @ Arms; UC Davis; UC Irvine; UC Santa Barbara; UCLA; UMass Amherst; UNC @ Wilmington; Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences; Union College; Univ. of Hawaii; Univ. of Massachusetts; Univ. of San Diego; Univ. of the West Indies; Univ. of Washington; Univ. of Wisconsin - Eau Clair;
Univ. of Wisconsin – Madison; Univ. of Wisconsin – Plattesville; University of Akron; University of Alabama;
University of Arizona; University of Arkansas; University of California; University of Chicago; University of CO- Boulder;
University of Colorado; University of Connecticut; University of Houston; University of Idaho; University of Indianapolis; University of Iowa; University of Kansas; University of Kentucky; University of Lethbridge; University of Louisville; University of Maryland; University of Massachusetts; University of Miami; University Of Minnesota; University of Missouri – KC; University of Nevada; University of North Carolina; University of Ottawa; University of Pennsylvania; University of Pittsburgh; University of Rhode Island; University of Rochester; University of Salford (UK); University of South Florida; University of Southern California; University of Southern Indiana; University of Texas; University of Texas at Austin; University of Toledo, Ohio; University of Toronto; University of Ulster (Ireland);
University of Victoria, B.C.; University of Virginia; University of Wisconsin – Madison; University of New Mexico - Gallup Branch; US Courts - Brooklyn, New York; USA Today; USAISC - Fort Benning; USAMITC - San Antonio, TX and San Diego, CA; USDA Office of Operations; USMC Quantico; USNA - Annapolis, MD; UT @ Arlington; UT Health Sciences Ctr.; Utah Valley State College; Victor Treatment Center Inc.; Vietnam Veterans of America; Virginia Polytech Institute; Volunteers of America; Wake Forest University;
Washington Post; Washington University; Wayne State University; West Publishing; West Virginia University; Western Illinois University; Whitman College; Wichita State University; Windsor Board of Education – Canada; Wright-Patterson AFB; WYPR - Baltimore, MD; Yahoo, Inc.; Yale Medical School; York Hospital; York Newspaper Co. – PA; York Technical College
And, most importantly, YOU! Thank you very much, indeed. Your presence honors my effort and concern, and is appreciated.