You learn the most interesting thing by reading your blog stats / log of who's visiting. Today's most pressing question: What was QTC Management, Inc., of Diamond Bar, California, doing a search for "QTC Medical Services is fraudulent" today, about THEMSELVES?! Trying to contain bad press coverage before they even get any? Planning something fraudulent (just kidding...) or just wondering who already thinks they are? God only knows. But one thing is for certain: People spend a whole lot more time trying to control their public relations, than focusing on improving quality of services delivered. THAT would be time better spent.
There isn't much to find, in terms of volume, of articles out there suspecting QTC of actual fraud. But there is one main article from the LA TImes in 2006, reprinted on several veterans' watchdog-type websites, which talks about its highly cozy relationship with the VA. The most recent former head of the VA, Anthony Principi, ran QTC, and immediately after his tenure at the VA, returned to lead it; not to mention, the current head of the VA, James Peake, M.D., also comes directly from there. IAVA president Paul Rieckhoff was quoted as saying, it raises questions that QTC seems like the farm team for the VA.
Apparently QTC had a bad habit of bloating the bill for its services -- making it, what, the Halliburton of veterans medical care?! And it isn't the greatest that there's such a close relationship between QTC and the VA. But as for fraud? Wonder what they're looking for, and why they're pre-emptively looking for it. Maybe it's like American Express registering the domain name, (which they did). They know someone's going to, so why not beat them to the punch. Hmmmn...
Here's some good backstory on the topic, from VA Click link here to read. And in the meantime, we'll leave you with the graphic to ponder yourselves:
Editor's Note: Humorous "Googling Yourself" comic is courtesy of the, linked here. Used with permission.