Sometimes it helps to be heard. A "public service announcement" on behalf of the well over 100,000 veterans who have experienced military sexual trauma:
There are opportunities this year to march in veterans' parades to honor those who have suffered military sexual trauma, both active duty and veterans -- whether yourself or someone else.
You can march on your own behalf, or if you're not able to come to one of the parades but would still like to be represented, you can ask a veteran to carry your photo or that of another sufferer. Details follow.
On the West Coast:
What: The largest veterans' parade West of the Mississippi. The City of Auburn’s 45th annual Veterans Day Parade & Observance is scheduled for Saturday, November 6th. This year’s event is honoring the VFW.
When: Saturday, November 6 · 10:00 a.m. -- 1:00 p.m.
Where: Auburn, Washington
Who: We will be marching with the Vietnam Veterans of America -- as a group behind theirs, early in the parade.
How: We meet up on the 6th on L Street SE and Main about 10:00 in Auburn with the VVA.
Contact person: Kira @
On the East Coast:
What: The NYC Veterans Day Parade.
When: Thursday, November 11, 2010, 11 a.m. -- 3:30 p.m.
Where: Madison Square Park, 5th Ave and 23rd St.
Why: Help us make this a historical event by joining Service Women's Action Network (SWAN) and American Women Veterans in the legendary NYC Veterans Day Parade. We march to remind the world of women's incredible contribution to the United States military. SWAN supports, defends, and speaks for all military women. We welcome Military Sexual Trauma survivors and LGBT veterans and servicemembers to join us and to help the nation remember all of those who are otherwise forgotten on this day.
How: Please RSVP to Kalima (SWAN) at kalima @ or at 212-683-0015 ext. 324.