In honor of today being "Military Spouse Appreciation Day" -- hey, shouldn't that be all year long, given what they do?! -- here's a really stupendously great bibliography of books and articles relating to military families, spouses and children and all the various issues they can encounter in the mental health/social work realm.
Unfortunately, I don't remember where I found it on the Web back in February of this year, so I can't credit it appropriately. (And I've Googled it a bunch of different ways to find it again, but with no luck.) Like every bibliography, there are possible additions, subtractions and revisions -- but "as is, where is," it's a tremendous resource of information for finding out more about these very important subjects.
REFERENCE LIST: Military Families
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of Applied Developmental Psychology 30(6): 695-707.
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College Studies in Social Work 79(3): 283 - 285.
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A. Pazdernik (2006). "A Cross-Sectional Survey of Stressors for Postpartum
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171(10): 1020-1023.
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B. Everson (2007). The crisis of parental deployment in military service. Play
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Taft, C. T., J. A.
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Psychology 76(4): 648-656.
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Bunch, S. G., B. J.
Eastman, et al. (2007). "A profile of grandparents raising grandchildren
as a result of parental military deployment." Journal of Human Behavior
in the Social Environment 15(4): 1-12.
Transmission of Trauma
Brom, D., R.
Pat-Horenczyk, et al., Eds. (2009). Treating Traumatized Children: Risk,
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Dekel, R. and H.
Goldblatt (2008). "Is there intergenerational transmission of trauma? The
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Leiner, B. (2009). "The Legacy
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Social Work 79(3):
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"Long-term effects of trauma: Psychosocial functioning of the second and
third generation of Holocaust survivors." Development and
Psychopathology 19(2): 603-622.
Brom, D., R.
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Resilience and Recovery Taylor & Francis, Inc.
Budzik, C. L. (2008). "Providing
well child care for military families: what every provider needs to
consider." Pediatr Ann 37(3): 185-8.
Collins, R. C. and M. C. Kennedy (2008).
"Serving families who have served: Providing family therapy and support in
interdisciplinary polytrauma rehabilitation." Journal of Clinical
Psychology 64(8): 993-1003.
Erbes, C., R., M. A.
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partners." Journal of Clinical Psychology: In Session 64(8):
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Military Families
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Military Service
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Moving Relocation
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