A nice article in today's Vail Daily -- yes, we are scanning the globe to bring you the best of the best even from resort areas primarily known for skiing ;-) -- talks about what it's like to work at Walter Reed hospital these days, for the staff, dealing with incoming combat trauma cases all day, every day. It's both sobering and inspiring, not to mention incredibly draining, on the staff -- oh, wait -- let's not spoil the point of the article -- and, there's inspiration abounding, on the part of the young veterans who are dealing with life-altering injuries. Great perspective on the topic of healing combat trauma, from the perspective of those who work with it daily. Worth a read. Two ski tips crossed (like two thumbs up?!)
One good quote from the article: "But the cumulative effect of nearly 4,900 patients, including 1,458 battle casualties, has done more than change the institution. It has deeply affected the hundreds of doctors, nurses and therapists who work there--who have been inspired by the resiliency and motivation of the individuals in their care, yet shaken and exhausted by the magnitude of loss."
One combat surgeon's comment, also quoted in the article, is lovely. As the article says about him, "The last several years at Walter Reed have been the most demanding of his career but also among the most humbling and rewarding. He marvels at the soldiers' attitude, their gratitude, their perseverance. "What this has taught me is, our youngest generation is magnificent,'' he says.
It has renewed his faith in America."